Disk access rates and configurations affect the speed of database and view opening and of opening and navigating a collection ( view index). 磁盘访问率和配置影响数据库、视图打开和集合导航(查看索引)的速度。
When you have ample RAM, this provides an excellent way of supporting very fast disk access; unused files will be swapped on to disk. 当您有充足的RAM时,这提供了支持超快速磁盘访问的理想方法;未使用的文件将交换到磁盘上。
Much of the tuning to follow, especially that pertaining to the database, focuses on avoiding disk access because of the relatively high latency it incurs. 对磁盘的许多调优(尤其是对于数据库)集中于避免磁盘访问,因为磁盘访问的延迟相当高。
Unless logging is being performed ( for example, of exceptions or site access information), WebSphere Portal does not cause any disk access on its own. 除非在执行日志记录功能(例如,在记录异常或站点访问信息),否则WebSpherePortal自己不会引起任何磁盘访问。
As a result, the disk access time is much longer when reading data in random order than when reading in sequential order. 因此,与按顺序读取相比,按随机顺序读取数据时的磁盘访问时间要长得多。
Other experiments can include the use of a SQL database for the cache files too, though using disk access and fpassthru() is definitely the best solution in terms of performance. 另外也可以使用SQL数据库存放缓存文件,但是,使用磁盘访问和fpassthru()无疑是提高性能的最佳解决方案。
Setting a larger value can reduce disk access but requires more Java heap. 为缓冲区设置更大的值允许可以减少磁盘访问,但这需要更多Java堆。
Finally, disk access speed impacts the number of database connections and the speed of database and view openings. 最后,磁盘访问速度影响数据库连接的数量和打开数据库和视图的速度。
As with all caching schemes, it is necessary to examine the trade-offs between memory, CPU, and disk access when setting cache parameters. 而对于所有缓存模式而言,在设置缓存参数时,都有必要在内存、CPU和磁盘访问之间进行均衡。
The mobile partition's all network and disk access must be virtualized using one or more Virtual I/ O Servers ( VIOS). 迁移分区的所有网络和磁盘访问必须通过一个或多个VirtualI/OServers(VIOS)进行虚拟化。
Under normal circumstances, a write request is written directly to cache and incurs no delay because physical disk access is not required. 在正常的环境中,一个写请求是直接写入到缓存中而不会引起延迟的,因为它不需要访问物理磁盘。
Disk writing events, however, always result in disk access. 不过,磁盘写事件通常会访问磁盘。
In many cases, a separate disk access must be made to fetch the page for each row located through an index. 大多数情况下,对于通过索引定位的每一行,都必须进行单独的磁盘访问来读取该页。
In the fierce battle for performance, disk I/ O was often the deadliest enemy, and processing efficiency was sacrificed to avoid disk access. 在对性能的激烈争夺中,磁盘I/O常常是最致命的敌人,为了避免磁盘访问,往往需要牺牲处理效率。
These units do not translate directly to time; they represent relative time for a typical disk access. 这些单元不直接转换成时间;它们表示的是典型磁盘访问的相对时间。
Java Web Start will automatically determine where these files should be downloaded to, because default security protocols ( such as local disk access) do apply. JavaWebStart将自动决定该把这些文件下载到何处,这是因为缺省的安全性协议(如本地磁盘存取)在起作用。
Nevertheless, it remains a popular way to reduce disk access. 然而,它仍是减少磁盘访问的流行方法。
Disk access is the slowest part of a data warehouse query, and when you need to read millions of records to get a result set for a query, the performance of your disks determines how fast you can get data back. 磁盘访问是数据仓库查询中最慢的一部分,当您需要读取成千上万的记录来获取查询结果时,磁盘的性能决定了您获得结果的速度。
System Monitor enables you to see disk access and network use on% 1. 系统监视器使您可以看到在%1上的访问和网络使用。
The goal of REMOCA is to reduce disk access, which is much slower than transferring memory pages over modern interconnect networks. 由于网络传输延迟远远小于磁盘访问,用网络传输代替磁盘访问就能够有效地降低虚拟机的平均磁盘访问延迟。
Video Multicast Strategy Based on the Constraint of Disk Access 基于磁盘存取受限的视频流组播策略
Cloth required client such as disk access, to be ordered separately. 如客户需要接布盘,需另行订购。
Failed to create disk media records andor associate them with disk access records. 未能创建磁盘媒体记录,也未能将这些记录跟磁盘访问记录关联。
Polyester chip supply at present but high in the lower disk access is also cautious, markets agglutination. 目前聚酯切片货源不多但下游高位接盘也谨慎,市场表现胶着。
The main reasons affecting the performance of disk I/ O are disk competition, too frequent I/ O and the configuration and management of data blocks. Making all available disks equally balance I/ O may reduce the disk access time. 影响磁盘I/O性能的主要原因有磁盘竞争、I/O次数过多和数据块空间的分配管理,使所有可用的磁盘均匀地平衡I/O,可以减少磁盘存取的时间;
As a result, the faster the rotational speed, the higher the overhead of disk access. 结果磁盘转速越快,磁盘访问的开销越大。
Note the use of RAID technology can improve disk access speed, system fault tolerance. 说明利用RAID技术能提高磁盘存取速度、提高系统的容错能力。
The big data makes the disk access time increase greatly in the traditional in-memory spatial index. 例如,由于数据量的增长使得传统的内存式索引结构的磁盘访问次数大大增加。
With the rapid development of disk access and interconnection technology, network storage system has become the most important part of storage market. 随着磁盘访问技术、互联技术的飞速发展,网络存储已成为存储市场的重要组成部分。
Data-intensive applications with large and random disk access, such as web server and DBMS, require frequently disk accessing, which can decrease the application performance. 对于具有频繁、随机磁盘IO的数据密集型应用,如web服务器和数据库系统,磁盘访问的巨大延迟将严重影响应用程序的性能。